Eric Andersen安徒生埃里克

Eric Andersen安徒生埃里克


Background information背景資料


February 14 , 194319432月14
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States匹茲堡,賓夕法尼亞州,美國


Singer, songwritersinger,songwriter



Eric Andersen (born February 14 , 1943 ) is an American singer-songwriter .埃里克安徒生(生於1943214)

Born in Pittsburgh , Eric Andersen belonged in the early sixties together with Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan to the Greenwich Village folkscene in New York.出生在匹茲堡,埃里克安德森屬於六十年代初期,連同菲爾ochsbobdylan格林威治村folkscene在紐約. His best-known songs from that time are “Violets of Dawn,” “Come to My Bedside” and “Thirsty Boots” (the latter was recorded by Judy Collins and several others).他最膾炙人口的歌曲,從當時的"紫羅蘭的曙光","來到我的床邊""乾渴靴子"(後者記錄朱迪柯林斯和其他幾個人).

In 1966, he made his debut at the Newport Folk Festival and that same year he starred in the Andy Warhol movie Space.1966,他首次在紐波特民間音樂節同年,他主演的AndyWarhol的電影空間.

In 1970 he took part in the Festival Express tour across Canada with the Grateful Dead , Janis Joplin , The Band and others.1970,他參加了戲劇節快遊覽橫跨加拿大的感激死,janisjoplin,樂隊.

In 1972 he issued his most successful (and sold) album Blue River .1972年他發表了他最成功(賣出)唱片的藍河. The tapes of his follow-up album Stages got lost, but were found more than a decade later and issued in 1991 as Stages: The Lost Album .錄音帶他的後續專輯階段迷路,但被發現超過十年後,發表於1991年作為階段:失去的專輯.

In 1975 he performed at the opening show of the Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue , at Gerde's Folk City in New York, and again in Niagara Falls.1975,他演出的開幕表演的鮑勃迪倫的rollingthunderrevue,gerde的民俗城在紐約,並再次在尼亞加拉大瀑布. After several albums (country/rock/folk), he issued Ghosts Upon the Road a highly recognized album in 1988.經過幾集(國家/搖滾/民俗),他發表在鬼道的高度認可專輯在1988.

In the early 1990s he formed the trio Danko/Fjeld/Andersen together with Rick Danko ( The Band ) and Jonas Fjeld and three albums were released.在九十年代初,他成立了三星danko/fjeld/安德森連同里克danko()jonasfjeld三唱片被釋放. It lasted nine years before the next solo album Memory Of The Future (1998) was issued.長達九年前的未來獨唱未來的記憶(1998)發出. This "dreamy and introspective music" album was followed by You Can't Relive The Past (2000), which contains some blues songs and a selection of songs co-written with Townes van Zandt .這個"夢幻和內省的音樂"這張專輯之後,你不能重蹈覆轍(2000)其中載有一些藍調歌曲和挑選的歌曲,共同寫towneszandt麵包車. A double album Beat Avenue followed in 2003, which contains a series of rock-dominated ballads and includes a 26-minute title track (a jazzy beat poem), which represents his experiences among San Francisco’s beat community of artists (see ' Beat Generation ') on the day of President John Kennedy ’s assassination.雙專輯巡邏道,2003年其中包含一系列的搖滾-民謠為主,並包括一個26分鐘的標題軌道(ajazzy擊敗詩)這是他的經驗,在舊金山的巡邏社區的藝術家('垮掉一代')在當天的總統約翰肯尼迪的暗殺行動. On his last two albums The Street Was Always There (2004) and Waves (2005), both produced by the multi-instrumentalist Robert Aaron , he presents (amongst own songs) new versions of classics and of his sixties contemporaries and friends David Blue , Bob Dylan , Tim Hardin , Peter La Farge , Fred Neil , Phil Ochs , Buffy Sainte-Marie , Paul Siebel , Patrick Sky , Tom Paxton , Richard Fariña , John Sebastian , Happy Traum , Tom Rush and Lou Reed .在他最後的兩張專輯街頭一直存在(2004)風浪(2005),都製作了多種樂器羅伯特阿倫,他列出(其中包括自己的歌曲)新版本的經典,他六十年contemporaries和朋友戴維藍色鮑勃迪倫hardin,彼得la紅松,fredneil菲爾ochs,buffysainte-馬里保羅siebel,帕特里克天空湯姆paxton理查德fariÑ約翰塞瓦斯蒂安快樂traum湯姆匆忙,樓蘆葦.

In his 40-year career he has issued more than 20 albums to which many artists have contributed e.g.在他40年的職業生涯中,他曾先後發布了20多張唱片,使許多藝術家的貢獻,例如 Joan Baez , Dan Fogelberg , Al Kooper , Joni Mitchell , Leon Russell , Richard Thompson , Rick Danko , Garth Hudson , Eric Bazilian , Tony Garnier , Howie Epstein and many others.joanbaezfogelberg,alkooper,jonimitchell,leon羅素理查德湯普森里克danko,garth赫德森,埃里克bazilian,tonygarnier,威愛潑斯坦和許多其他問題. His songs have been recorded by artists all over the world, including The Blues Project , Johnny Cash , Judy Collins , John Denver , Fairport Convention , Grateful Dead , Peter, Paul & Mary , Ricky Nelson , Ratdog ( Bob Weir ), Linda Ronstadt and Pete Seeger .他的歌曲所記錄的藝術家在世界各地,包括藍調項目,約翰尼現金judycollins,約翰丹佛,fairport公約,感激死,彼得,保羅與瑪麗,rickynelson,ratdog(威爾),lindaronstadtpeteseeger.






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