今年(2007)我的年終計畫整理我的音樂庫.因為戒酒的關係.有好多樂團(the doors.jimi Hendrix.jains Joplin 早期的santanan.nirvana…..)我很久沒有拿出來聽了.忽然我找到了一張The Poguesdvd.這是我最好的年終禮物.當初hickey送我ㄧ張cd時正好是我爛醉的時候.由於曲風與歌詞我極度喜歡.於是費了好久的心終於在bail巴厘島找到了dvd.看過以後太喜歡了(因為主唱跟我已樣醜.而且是樂團中最醜的.他也是個爛醉的酒鬼.這讓當時的我更契合他的心境).因為爛醉.所以亂放.好幾次要找罪時找部到.醒時不想找.所以好幾年沒再聽他的歌了.

幸好我戒酒已戒到喝茶也會醉的喝蘋果西打也會茫地步.再度回利澤簡空屋中整理未帶走的cd.the doors的盒子中發現了他.





我知道在台灣聽pogues歌的人很少.我ㄧ定要把這個對我有意義的樂團The Pogues推薦給所有愛我的朋友們當2008年的新年禮物

The Pogues - If I Should Fall from Grace with God

If I Should Fall from Grace with God by The Pogues....pogues should fall from grace with god shane macgowan




Pogues live - Dirty Old Town

The majestic Pogues performing one of their finest tunes. Kirsty MacColl is here too!...Pogues Shane MacGowen 80s





Fairy tale of New York - The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl

Fairy tale of New York - The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl With Lyrics.....Fairy tale of New York The Pogues Kirsty MacColl




Fairytale of New York

Pogues,Kirsty MacColl...Pogues Kirsty MacColl





The Pogues - Fiesta

banda irlandesa The Pogues. Muchos topicazos en el clip, no obstante, impresionante A classic song of the irish-traditional-punk band: The Pogues. Un clásico del irish-traditional-punk, sin duda alguna uno de los mejores temas de la banda irlandesa The Pogues. Muchos topicazos en el clip, no obstante, impresionante

A classic song of the irish-traditional-punk band: The Pogues. Probably one of the best songs of this group. A lot of spainsh topics (Spain is not just bulls, tortilla, paella & bull fighters), anyway awesome.

(更多) (較少)




提到The Pogues這個另類民謠團,是jason少數用最喜歡的團來形容之一團,就來簡單介紹一下~

The Pogues成立於1984年的倫敦,來自於愛爾蘭,由Shane MacGowan領軍所組成







1996年解散的他們,總共出版了7張專輯,Dirty Old Town則是他們第二張專輯裡的歌


聽起來和其他版本會有不小的差距,這就是The Pogues他們最厲害的地方


The Pogues

龐克音樂與性手槍合唱團的出現及其反制度、反傳統的信條影響了當時無數的青少年也導致音樂形態的革命。棒客樂團的中心人物Shane MacGowan也就是深受龐克影響的其中一人。出生於英格蘭的Shane小時候隨父母回到家鄉愛爾蘭,六歲時又遷往倫敦。1976Shane參加了性手槍合唱團的首次表演後不久便開始組團,幾經波折後1982Shane MacGowan(主唱、吉他)、Spider Stacy(錫口笛)、James Fearnley(手風琴)、Cait ORiordan(貝斯)、Jem Finer(吉他、斑鳩琴)、Andrew Rankin(鼓手)等六人正式組成棒客樂團,到1996年解散前團員更動或增加為八人,新任貝斯手是Darryl Hunt,增加兩位團員是吉他手Philip ChevronTerry Woods負責曼陀鈴,由以上樂器配置不難發現棒客樂團的音樂保有濃厚的愛爾蘭傳統曲調或稱居爾特人獨特的音樂風格。但若要說棒客樂團是愛爾蘭的民謠團卻又失之偏頗,因為這群人乃出身地下俱樂部,奉龐克為圭臬,所以棒客樂團在音樂上可說是龐克與愛爾蘭音樂的結合,八○年代的非主流浪潮中,算是特殊的一種音樂混合風格。另一方面棒客樂團的走紅與靈魂人物Shane MacGowan詩意、政治激進的歌詞和本身頹廢的生活態度都有著密切的關係。1984-96年間他們發行了七張專輯(不含精選與現場),而其中又以「If I Should Fall From Grace With God」最是有名,它不僅在愛爾蘭與英國走紅,甚至美國方面也注意到此一團體。而在獨立唱片公司的鼓吹下,棒客樂團在台灣也打開了知名度。不過Shane MacGowan的酗酒與用藥漸漸危及到樂團的存亡,棒客樂團終於在1996年劃下休止符,不過Shane仍組成伴奏樂團或和其他樂手合作方式(譬如與Sinead OConnor合唱)繼續在樂壇上打拼。


The Pogues

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The Pogues



Background information

Also known as Pogue Mahone

Origin Kings Cross, London , England

Many prominent members are Irish, by birth or descent

Genre(s) Folk rock

Celtic fusion

Years active 1982—1996


Website www.pogues.com


Shane MacGowan

James Fearnley

Spider Stacy

Jeremy 'Jem' Finer

Andrew Ranken

Phil Chevron

Terry Woods

Darryl Hunt

Former members

Cait O'Riordan

Joe Strummer

Jamie Clarke

Dave Coulter

James McNally

The Pogues are a band of mixed Irish and English background, playing traditional Irish music with influences from the punk rock movement, formed in 1982 and fronted by Shane MacGowan. They reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s, until MacGowan left the band in 1991 due to drinking problems. They continued with first Joe Strummer, then Spider Stacy on vocals before breaking up in 1996.[1] The band began performing together again in 2001, though they have yet to record new music.


Their politically-tinged music was influenced by The Clash,[2] yet used traditional Irish instruments such as the tin whistle, banjo, cittern, mandolin, accordion, and more. In the later incarnations of the band, after the departure of Shane MacGowan, rock instruments such as the electric guitar would become more prominent. The first of The Pogues' albums, Red Roses for Me, borrows much from the punk tradition of MacGowan's previous band The Nipple Erectors (later dubbed The Nips).


The Pogues were founded in King's Cross,[3] a district of North London, in 1982 as Pogue Mahone—pogue mahone being the Anglicisation of the Irish póg mo thóin, meaning "kiss my arse".[4]


The band specialised in Irish folk music, often playing with the energy of the punk rock scene from which several of the members had their roots.




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