


Jason Lee. 2009/9/13一個忘記帶手機的週日下午。

便利的生活,所帶來的像Victor Lowerfeld寫的話:『我曾經看見有些孩子,坐擁在玩具堆中,不懂得怎麼去玩弄,不會用腦經與想像力去玩樂,因此哭泣,緊張而不快樂。我也見過有些孩子,全神貫注於一塊木頭上,有時把它當成火車,有時讓它飛馳在天空當著飛機玩耍,而自得其樂。為什麼有些孩子會「人在福中不知福」,而有些孩子卻能在貧乏中自尋其樂?』

Randy Newman - Sail Away

In America you'll get food to eat

Won't have to run through the jungle

And scuff up your feet

You'll just sing about Jesus and drink wine all day

It's great to be an American


Ain't no lions or tigers ain't no mamba snake

Just the sweet watermelon and the buckwheat cake

Ev'rybody is as happy as a man can be

Climb aboard little wog sail away with me



Sail away sail away

We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay

Sail away-sail away

We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay


In America every man is free

To take care of his home and his family

You'll be as happy as a monkey in a monkey tree

You're all gonna be an American 


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